Friday, 10 August 2012

My worst Day !!

Well we usually do not dread to have a bad day, but well what exactly causes a bad day, is it getting dumped after investing so much in a relationship, or is it loosing hard earned cash from a con, either way it gets you, you just have to pick up the pieces that are left and stand up even stronger. As a sign i have just read today in a matatu "Do not mind what your enemies throw at you, it only makes you stronger"

Back to my story, the day looked bright as I had prepared myself well for a paper I had on this fateful day.

5.30 am - I did not have enough sleep (imagine i slept at 2 am watching "persons of interest" TV series), so waking up I had outdid myself, had a heavy breakfast to see me through to 2pm when i shall be done with the paper.

6.30 am - Already in town but sh** it has started raining, saw it as a blessing because normally when it rains while am doing my exams I get straight A's, but that was not the concern, people in Nairobi become extremely crazy when it starts raining, therefore I picked the longest cut to campus to avoid bad luck.

11.30 am - already am 10 minutes late to exams as I had forgotten my spectacles at the school library and had to go back and collect them and as you understand today in Nairobi, if you have an appointment go ten minutes earlier to give time for the guards to ask you clinical questions and frisk you up as well as your bags.

2 pm the exams went well, in fact I finished the paper before time, and on opening my cell I get a message from one of my clients, He issues me with a very potential referral, and at that point am Happy and I run to see the client.

4 pm- I do not get to understand why my university during exam period cannot create extra rooms for us to revise, as I walk through the corridors they are all full with people trying to cram for their next examinations, but am lucky because of the relationship I have created with the guards am told of a place in the campus that is free (imagine for me to create a rapport with the guards, every time we meet I have to part with my hard earned Twenty shillings)

6 pm the guard tells me that during exams they normally close at six and I should pack my bags and go home, even the rains excuses could not land on his deaf ears he still insisted I needed to leave, I walk out with the heavy rains and go to the library, these time am lucky as sixty percent of the students have already left so I get a comfortable seat.

9 pm - I feel that am ready for the next exam, so I pack my bags and call it a day, leave and walk from university way to railways, with small showers, but I walk as I hymn the amazing grace as I know one day I shall not be walking with the rains but driving through the rains.

10 pm - still at the bus station, no matatus, still raining and every matatu coming is charging three times the fare, which definitely is out of my budget, so I wait.

10.30 pm - a bus comes with a fairer price and am the first one to jump in, usually for buses I prefer going in one of the last people and check around on suspicious people as I have a bad experience of hijacking.
On the way along Mombasa road, i hear a gun being cocked within minutes one of the gangs takes over the bus we are ransacked, valuables are stolen, actually I won’t write mine down because in future I do not wish to remember what I lost on these fateful day, finally after twenty minutes of the horrible ordeal, I was slapped four times while requesting for my books remember I was doing my exams, and later dumped in a dark alley.

11.20 pm - we are able to reach the nearest police station or police officer and we narrate our ordeal, where the only thing am seeing them doing is to ask as a lot of questions instead of sending a team along the route to check if they could get the thugs.

12.30 am still at the police station, the bus did not have fuel and at that time of the night we could not get any other means to go home so we had to wait for the owner to come and bail us out, which he does but on arrival what he does first is to check if his vehicle is okay, any way after narrating our ordeal he decided to take us home.

1.00 am - am home shaking, stressed out because i have another paper to do the same day, remember it’s the next day already, not able to eat, counting my loses, I manage to communicate with my loved ones and their words, they are the pillars of my life.

2.00am I manage to pull myself to bed but cannot sleep I was seeing the images of the thugs, God please save them because they do not know what they are doing; I manage to get a one hour sleep.

5.00 am – I am up and ready for a new day, with lots of blessings.

I dedicate these blog to my loved ones who have been with me through this horrific experience, and to God who took care of me during this period and to my colleagues at work who understand that I was slow on my targets because of the experience and finally to the thugs, may God bless you.

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