Wednesday, 13 April 2022



This is a short post...

I'm fully vaccinated. No, I don't know "what's in it." Neither this vaccine nor the ones I had as a child. Nor do I know what's in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC.

I'm also not sure what's in Ibuprofen, Mara Moja ( instant cure) or Panadol (Extra) -- they just cure my headaches & my pains.

I don't know what's in tattoo ink, botox, fillers, or every ingredient in my soap, shampoo, or deodorants. I don't no what's know the long-term effect of mobile phone use, or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.

There's a lot of things I don't know.

I do know one thing: life is short. Very short. And I, personally, still want to do something. I want to travel and hug people without fear and find a slight feeling of life "before."

Throughout my life, I've been vaccinated against many diseases. Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis, pneumonia, influenza, rotavirus, tetanus, pertussis. My parents (and I) trusted science and never suffered through or transmitted any of those said diseases.

I'm vaccinated. Not to please the government. Not to make other people do it. But I don't want to:

* die from Covid-19

* clutter a hospital bed if I get sick

* not be able to hug my loved ones

* have to test routinely

* live my life in fear


Can't say it any clearer!!!

Copied & pasted. Feel free to do the same.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Dear YOU ! Part two

Dear YOU,

Salutations from my side to yours, hope this letter finds you well, first of all I would like to apologies because it has taken me a few years to write to you since my last letter to you, actually all this time I have been waiting for a letter of response from you but nadda. As some people would say isorait, anyway I have decided to write to you another letter since we have all been preoccupied by Whatsapp, can you imagine now I can even make calls on whatsapp, I pity Bob Collymore, but again he always looks at the glass half full thus counting on data bundles, someone should tell him we are riding on free office wifi to make those calls so he should look at the glass half empty, sorry I forgot I was writing a letter to you.

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Since we last spoke, I have tried at least after fools day I have written two messages to you, speaking of fools day, can you imagine Standard had an article that NTSA have acquired a new gadget to replace that famous alcoblow thing, and this one could sense one's drunkenness from a distance, I was shocked, and you know me and Mututho are like water and oil, we never mix... naaa, ok I keep forgetting this is my letter to you and not about Uhuru and his corrupt government, did you see ati sonko is packing his things and stepping down to allow investigations, that even did not make my eyes blink, my issue was how disorganized and dirty his office is na ati he has ambulances.

Since we last spoke I was running the last lap of my school work with those three statistical courses, I did well my Practicum, between me and you I just did a report full stop, and happily graduated I even got the chance to see my mum shed joyful tears, her son was given the power to read and do all that appertains to a Degree.

The last few years it has been both great and punishing, great I met a woman, punishing I met a woman, heck what am I talking about, I have grown career wise, age, by the way why did you not show up on my birthday party everyone except me was drunk, am now an MBA student, this is a real fit considering how I hated school. My previous car was on fire.. haha this should be a story on itself, bottom line I loved both 2013 and 2014.

Why do i keep forgeting am writing to you and not to myself, this makes me an introvert or what, ok do not worry, I missed you the same way a cat misses a rat, that time we keep running back and fouth just telling ourselves the fastest will be safe, by that I meant if the rat is fast its safe as it would have survived a death penalty and if the cat is fast iss safe as it would have survived hunger.

I keep meandering everytime am writing this letter, for God's sake please reply to this one tp give me more energy to write.

for that #irest .....

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Am Back

Now am Back ....

First of all am not really sure if am back or not, back where? in the first place, it has been two clean years without me writing on my favorite page, but again after not receiving calls from my zero fans not even a backlash from haters, I decided to take a break.

now where was I hiding all these years, first of all this blog having been inspired by three things, education, IT and Marketing I will try to dwell on those three things.


I happily graduated with a honors degree from the school of business and economics, yeah I did microeconomics, it was a tough period having to juggle in between careers and school, but I did well and I was given the power to read and to do all that appertains to that degree.

Who said I gave on education, not yet, I enrolled to an MBA programme, my mother actually believes I will be a professor one day, and who am I to disappoint her, I went straight back to school after my graduation to "Master this thing", that's how some of my college-mates call it.

That's not all on education, but again since my career moved up the ladder, not yet just kidding, I have been continuously learning and doing this special certifications in tandem with my career path so as to be the top cream of the pack.

People its only through learning and education that am here today, do not comprehend, never give up the fruits are sweet once you are on top of that avocado tree.


I have tried to keep up with this thing called technology, but every time I think I know it all, my next door neighbor knows it all.

I have learned a lot, done a lot and now am walking through my passion of technology, I currently learning on Subaru technology, I was fascinated by Subaru's ever since Njoki decided to mention about Subaru's in each and every article of hers... that's a story for another day.

I will keep on on technology, and share all the amazing things that are happening in the IT industry.


I have cooled down on Marketing, just decided to complete my MBA in Marketing, then come back with a bang.

For now the marketing in me is in hibernation, wait until it wakes up, for sure you will know. 


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Now this is where life has been awesome, from Masaku to Nax Vegas, hadi Dubai series, man I had fun, fought, cried, laughed, loved karibu kila kitu, I even added some weight.

Before you get me wrong that lifestyle is not what led me to not blog, it was just unprecedented break, and break it was, but now am back, creativity, love and endurance as we continue to test our writing skills.


Wednesday, 1 April 2015



This is a term I have had to comprehend with of late, tried googling, feeling it and heck I thought it was even transmitted to me.

According to Wikipedia, happiness Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Does smiling also translate to happiness, maybe you can answer me that later.

Today am actually not writing because am happy, what the heck I have always been happy, but everytime am happy and I shout out to the world to share my happiness, it gets jinxed and I end up in bed sad.

but to all yo ! make happiness even sexually transmitted, spread it, share it even stick to it and do not let it go.

Let me share some of my most favourite happiness quotes.

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
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There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

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There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

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Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought. Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime!

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Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.

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my most favourite:

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.
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I'm an inherently happy person. It comes from the inside, which means you can achieve happiness under any circumstance.

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Welcome to my world where happiness is not feared but vehemently shared... salute.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Dear YOU !

Dear you,

I know these may come as a surprise to you, as the era of letters flew away with Kenya Post office with their stamps, I remember vividly in high school when I used to have a budget for stamps and this was always included in the shopping list and being one of those dudes whom their girlfriends preferred love letters over real dates I had to buy them, sorry forgot I was writing a letter to you.

It has taken me all my senses including the sixth one just to come up with heartfelt words with warmth from me to you. It has been well over four months since we last spoke and if my memory serves me right we were asking each other whether Westlands nowadays has Kenyatta Avenue which you never replied therefore I guessed you have never been to Westlands, but do not worry my plans for 2013 is to take you out more often including the upmarket places so that we can envision on how good our lives could have been if our forefathers could have stolen land in Kenya.

The last four months have been both punishing and great, heck is these really a feeling or what, anyway, I had school to clear and that semester I was stupid enough to select three statistical courses and not the elementary ones as you may think, it was also the period I was tasked by my school to look for attachment, these guys call it Practicum, a very heavy word to ensure that you are afraid of the course itself.

I also got to meet new people, obtain more twitter followers, as you see am becoming more social, but you were always in my heart before I met them.

I cannot imagine my life without you, you always criticised me, gave me counsel and even courage that one day I will make it, I have never understood people make it to where, hell ? heaven? or really nowhere.

While I was away I finally was able to realise what my freinemies have been telling me " ati Kitengela sio Nairobi" , so I finally decided to move closer to Nairobi by shifting, jees I miss Kitengela, it’s the only place where you can be able to listen to recorded Dexter series and hear two series of Fifty Two minutes back to back then listen to lingala music before arriving to your destination, but Kitengela story is for another day, today am writing a letter to you.

Do you believe in miracles, me I do and I thank you for making me believe in them, sorry am just confused as am jotting down lyrics to woo you.

I would wish to write a lot of my emotional stuff to you but my goal is always not to bore you, so my closing salutation shall be HAPPY 2013 !

With warmest regards,
